Been awhile since I've posted and I apologize for that but you see I've been on temporary assignment for the past three weeks and will be here at least until November 14th.
I'm with 9 of my co-workers (all subordinates) at one of our other offices working on a rather large ($495M) proposal for the Government. We're a good team and everybody brings their own unique subject matter expertise to the endeavor. Schedules were cleared well in advance of this trip and everybody had a full understand of what was expected of them.
Slowly over the last week, one by one I've had people come to me with various reasons, rationales, and crisises that require them to depart and go back home. Some legitimate, some not. there's only 2 of the 9 who haven't come to me with some sob-story.
(Here's where the rant comes in) This is starting to piss me off! I am finding it increasing harder to be supportive of these requests when I've been sitting here working 7 days a week, missing most of Umdalum Jr's games and my season seats to our minor league hockey team sit empty. Not to mention the fact that I miss Mrs. Umdalum (if you know what I mean).
Well I don't feel any better but at least I've posted something!