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Stuff Worth Looking At.......

  • Belle Wiggings
    Terry's adventures with life, men, careers and other assorted debauchery.
  • Trailer Park Refugee
    A hip midwestern chick who hangs out with pirates and plays in a band.....
  • Liquid Stunning
    Jax is more than a child's game!
  • Rachel
    A sassy little redhead who says "fuck" with it!
  • My Two Cents
    He's opinionated and sarcastic, but that's what makes him so unique.
  • Sweetie
    A kindred spirit from back home.
  • Miss Julie
    She's Big Jule from Chicago - but that has nothing to do with the size of her ass!
  • Migraine Boy
    My long lost friend Keith. Still crazy after all these beers!
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Hmmm. Never would have guessed that. Oh well.


I'm getting nauseous just looking at that photo.

What the hell happened to you last Saturday? Was that YOU who called saying you were coming?!

I didn't recognize the # and I didn't realize you needed me to call you back until...who knows? That coupled with gearing up for the party and (it was nearly "go time") Sorry, dude! You missed a good time!


Sweetie, wasn't me and sorry I didn't make it. Work is kicking my ass right now down here in SMC. I'm in town through the 21st - we need to get the gang together one night before I head back home.


I don't know who the heck that was then!! hahahaha!

Anyway, I missed you and yes, we should get the gang together before you leave the area.

Sorry you're working like a dog.


Hey! Can you see Russia from there?

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